Who had referee decision on their bingo card of @JamTarts excuses since 2018?

That assessment of the game is more of an insult than the pedestrian reactive coaching and playing that went on today

How about you take some proper ownership and admit a few of the following 1/?
1. Without ginnelly we cannot get the best out of our main frontman
2. Said main frontman seems to be joining a long list of competent forwards that we cannot get the best out of
3. We lack penetration from centre mid without Irving (who is not perfect but at least tries to make things happen)
4. We seem obliged to play Naismith when his form post injury in 2018 against Celtic has not been good enough
5. We allow managers to make emotional decisions (it is the only reason aidy white got a 2 1/2 year deal IMO) nothing personally against him as a professional player but that’s a ridiculous contract for someone with his CV
6. We still have I would assume the 4th or 5th biggest wage budget in Scotland but yet still struggle when there are one or two injuries
7. We seem reluctant to pull the trigger on younger players. Either that’s an issue with the manager or the academy has not done its job in producing top talent as part of the bigger picture we were promised years ago
8. There is a Sunday school coffee morning vibe about the club behind scenes I.e a lot of nice hard working individuals but lack the type of hunger that transfers onto the pitch
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