1/ I had an epiphany, which dawned on me when I revisited this drop

“No war. No civil unrest. Clean and swift.”

This is pretty clear

“But 1_7’s first post said-“

1_7’s first post said “Expect massive riots to be ORGANIZED”

That means expect them to be *planned* - or even...
2/ -congregating in preparation

What I realized is this is why the
B L_M & Antee-fuh riots have been allowed to go on

So all [their] chess pieces were in a “catch & release” program

Being tracked for migratory purposes

There’s a video I’ve been trying to find of an arrest-
Wow Twatr broke up a 6-Tweet thread 😂

https://twitter.com/brostreetjoy/status/1332781397354930182?s=21 https://twitter.com/brostreetjoy/status/1332781397354930182
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