U know what messege I used to think was good for incels?


Remember that old community of pickup culture back in the day on YouTube?

In the beginning? That was good for men.

I thought to myself. "this is exactly what they need"

Lemme explain. https://twitter.com/CostelloWilliam/status/1332762374495985667
Before pick up culture and MGTOW in of itself grew into what it was, essentially it was a self help course for men to learn to be more successful in the dating and socialising realm with the opposite sex.

What went wrong?

It made money. That's what went wrong. It made money and
Proved itself to be a powerful market and what happened next?

Pple started competing. As they always do with capitalism.

Pple wanted to entice their audience and sell the better, more effective 'product' so to speak.
YouTube tutorials and live interactive classes went from "learn how to talk to a girl" to "learn how to BAG a girl and get her HOOKED by the 3rd date!" and then progressed to, "I F*ck a different super model every night! In 2 steps! Here's how!"

Do u see the issue here?
A group of men tried to face their issues head on.

They tought classes on how to better themselves and be more successful with women.

Tried to work to overcome any anxiety & discomfort they had with the opposite sex and what did it become?

A festival of misogyny
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