For the next four years Trump is going to behave like an antipresident in exile, holding a shadow presidency that not only critiques the Biden Administration but undermines it and fosters radical violence.

We need to recognize this and plan accordingly.
It's not enough that Trump was defeated, we now have the hard and necessary work of dismantling the addiction our media's addiction in order to derail the message but also in terms of deradicalizing the country while forwarding an actual agenda.

This is going to be a lot of work
As I've said before, we have to disentangle the spectacle/tabloid Trump garbage from the actual communication and radicalization of dangerous groups and individuals.

It's going to be exhausting and hard, especially with the economic environment, but we can do it.
Trump turning into an antipresident aided by an absolutely crazy media ecosystem is going to be catnip for people needing spectacle. But that need has to be starved while we parse out the distractions from the actual fascistic radicalization.
We've lived years in this bizarre reality, but it's only beginning. What we're looking at as the Trump Administration winds down and the Trump Antipresidency begins will be surreal, exhausting, and absolutely dangerous.

We need to get ready for it.
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