
Clinical care:

Do we see how race and ethnicity disparities in our clinical care?

Do we challenge our own biases?



Do we understand the racial basis of medical knowledge?

🗣️ "Race, as a social construct with no genetic basis, touches on vital concepts that inform the way we practise medicine, such as vulnerable populations, societal power, and stereotyping"

Angela Saini


@WRES_team is not in primary care.

In primary care Dr @BeingMo is setting up the first BAME network.

@TracieJolliff said it best

🗣️ "a narrative of 'racism is perpetrated by bad people, I am a good person and therefore not racist" is naive and unhelpful"

Home life

🗣️ "Do we challenge casually racist or culturally ignorant comments made by our family and friends? Sometimes it is harder to challenge those we love, but this is important."

@raceandhealth @bbcbitesize as helpful resources here

Acknowledgement of and countering our own prejudices will be uncomfortable.

We must choose discomfort.

Choose to make the change.

➡️ changing the media images on the RCGP website

➡️ collecting member stories for increasing awareness; working with the @TheBMA and other Royal Colleges

➡️ continuing review on how to address differential attainment and give support for trainees from different backgrounds

➡️ proactively get diversity in all our committees that reflects our membership demographic profile.

➡️ addressing practice level COVID risk

➡️ using the term of 'diversity' over 'BAME'


🗣️ "Being anti-racist is a choice that we make every moment of every day, to challenge ourselves and the systems in which we work and teach. Within education, this may manifest as counteracting stereotypes in learning... challenging students to consider racial bias..."

🗣️ "However, the feeling of discomfort that elicits White fragility also means we are examining the right systems, challenging the right concepts, and asking ourselves the right questions to confront racism."

Suggested ideas:

➡️ Training on race equity for GP trainers

➡️ Increase awareness of cultural competence in the workplace;

➡️ Active bystander training for trainers and trainees

➡️ Offering support on the role of Freedom to Speak Up Guardians within primary care.

He asks whether affirmative action would work and perhaps it's time to drop 'BAME'

🗣️: "Doctors of Chinese heritage are outnumbered by an order of twelve by South Asian doctors, and Black doctors are outnumbered by an order of six"


🗣️ "BAME is far too broad a term to use as a metric of ethnic inclusion or affirmative action.... Refined data on the ethnicity of doctors is required to picture and improve awareness of this, alongside open discussion and organisational accountability of actions."

Dr @BeingMo tells us to

🗣️ "Fight for the Things You Care About, But Do it in a Way That Will Lead Others to Join You" channelling Ruth Bader Ginsburg


Dr @naureenbhatti Prof @RaoMala explain

🗣️ "To see meaningful and sustained change on this agenda, we need both demonstrable leadership and data-driven accountability...General practice must be part of this


Dr Silvana Unigwe writes:

🗣️: The people who bother me the most are those who are careful to always be on the right side of political correctness, but who harbour deep, enduring, unchangeable beliefs that ‘black is inferior’.

🔗: https://bjgpopen.org/sites/default/files/PDFs/Viewpoints%20race%20and%20racism/Viewpoint%203%20SU%20v2.pdf

🗣️: They will not be caught shouting racist abuse or saying anything explicitly prejudiced. However, they block the aspirations and progress of their colleagues, and cause arguably more damage to the psyche of the black medic."

Dr @jasjitkauratwal & Dr @LBNellums

🗣️ "If we in primary care are serious about addressing racism and health injustices in our communities, we must dismantle barriers faced by members of our workforce from minoritised groups who carry deep insights,
painfully garnered...

🗣️ "that can be developed into meaningful actions if we are afforded opportunities to speak. Anything less is allowing structural racism in the NHS to carry on unhindered."

🔗: https://bjgpopen.org/sites/default/files/PDFs/Viewpoints%20race%20and%20racism/Viewpoint%204%20JA%20v3.pdf

Dr Hisham Nobeebaccus discusses how they were told by patients:

🗣️ “I want to see a white doctor”

They wondered why?

🗣️"What surprised me the most was not the overt display of racism from the patient but the tolerance of the statement from those around me."

Dr @Aaliya_UK explains how the racism has affected her career and affects how members of the profession see people from ethnic minorities.

How do we see people who are different to us?

Do we impose our own stereotypes?

🔗: https://bjgpopen.org/sites/default/files/PDFs/Viewpoints%20race%20and%20racism/Viewpoint%206%20AG%20v2.pdf

Dr @hinajshahid describes her experience of Islamophobia.

🗣️ "Islamophobia is often defined as anti-Muslim hatred, racism...However, it is a complex intersectional phenomenon of race, religion, class, citizenship and gender-based oppression."


Dr Kate Bellingham writes

🗣️ "However, data relating to race and language is not available or accessible nationally and thus currently cannot inform central funding for core primary care services."

So health inequalities cannot be tackled

🔗 https://bjgpopen.org/sites/default/files/PDFs/Viewpoints%20race%20and%20racism/Viewpoint%208%20KB%20v3.pdf

Dr @TheBAMEGP writes about how Empire affect

🗣️ "Scientific racism was used during the Empire to perpetuate an illusion of Black and Brown physical
and mental inferiority. Those myths persist to this day."

🔗: https://bjgpopen.org/sites/default/files/PDFs/Viewpoints%20race%20and%20racism/Viewpoint%209%20SD%20v3.pdf

🗣️ "We must be mindful that historical reasons are part of the reason why ethnic disparities in healthcare persist."


An anonymous practitioner describes how a consultant used the similarities of his facial appearance to child with Down's syndrome.

🔗: https://bjgpopen.org/sites/default/files/PDFs/Viewpoints%20race%20and%20racism/Viewpoint%2010%20GC%20v3.pdf

Marina Gonçalves Moreira, a medical student describes #everydayracism

🗣️ "As a black female studying medicine in Brazil, I experience racism on a daily basis, and it gets harder when I'm on the hospital or wearing a white coat."


I hope this is a call to action.

That this issue does not fall on deaf ears

That we seek discomfort

That we seek change for a better world for future generations.

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