The funny thing is, @realDonaldTrump gave away his leverage to Mitch, who got his judges, a 6-3 SCOTUS, fat tax cuts for his fellow rich folks and big business, half a trillion dollars in bailouts for mega-corporations, and re-election. The only leverage Trump has left? Georgia.
Yet Trump has already promised to head down to the peach state to secure @senatemajldr's majority. Maybe he should try to get something in return? Mitch won't do what Trump says anymore if he knows he's already going to get what he wants, which is more power for himself.
If @realDonaldTrump wants to do one thing in his presidency that actually would get him some praise, he should make Mitch pass the already-passed Restaurant Act and the HEROES ACT covid relief bill. "No bills, no help in Georgia" would be Trump actually using his final leverage.
The beauty is, it wouldn't even require Trump to negotiate with Speaker Pelosi, since these bills already passed the House. The Senate is the only thing standing in the way. So the Senate passing the House bills is a no-lose, all-win deal for @realDonaldTrump, if he wants it.
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