So, this Earthquake in Newdigate, Surrey that happened. Here's my theory, I may be putting 2 & 2 together & coming up with 9! But, this was my initial thought. Firstly, one of the most powerful ley lines runs through that area It crosses the country, going through the
Cerne Giant in Dorset and the Devil's Punchbowl in Hindhead to pass south of Guildford and Reigate, (my hometown)
A 0.3 Earthquake has a shake radius of around 12 miles, Newdigate is 8.1 miles from Gatwick Airport (second largest airport in the UK) perfect for a D*MB as *things* could be transported from the airport, if you know what I mean...
However, what alarmed me the most was, the people I know who live in that area, many rockstars I shall not name. However, the biggest thing that struck me, was Ridge Farm Studios, which closed in 2003, however, bear with me. Firstly look at the list of names that recorded there
The Who, Bad Company, Queen, Peter Gabriel, Ozzy Osbourne, Pearl Jam, Oasis, Supergrass, The Three Tenors, and many more. Many of the biggest albums of all time. Now we know what the music industry is all about, listen to what famous whistleblower John Todd had to say...
The earthquake happened 9 miles from Ridge Farm Studios, many army barracks are in that area, so it may not be, BUT, I do not believe in coincidences... What was really going on at Ridge Farm, during the making of those albums? Was John Todd right? I believe he was, Elton John
- who has publically said that when he records music, he speaks in "Witch language" incidentally used to live near the studio. was this a site for sacrifice here? I'm thinking probably yes, and there's a massive D*MB running through there, the powerful Ley Line, is an indication
Black Sabbath outside Ridge Farm Studios, Surrey.
Queen outside Ridge Farm Studios, Surrey.
Luciferian Symbolism (The Sun) for Ridge Farm Studios. The Bee - (Bee Hive - Freem*sonary) Poppy symbolism = blood sacrifice.
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