Rothschild Q&A notable comments.

“YOU create your own reality...but you are HIGHLY suggestible.

the irony is that you are best able to effect the change you espouse a slave...since you truly have so little to lose.

Seriously, what is stopping you from acting NOW...instead of when you receive your BAJILLION dollar payout
The only way WE go down, is if you WAKE UP...and that isn't EVER going to happen.
REAL power lies within
the MAGIC is in the interest!

MAGIC I tell you!


Borrow all the sweet, sweet candy you want, children!

Pay me only a bright copper or two!

Lovely children!

It would cost me exactly the same to lend or give you the trillion Euros!! And note that you, a well trained child, were POLITE enough to ASK me to LEND you something which has no value! Wonderful training!
There is a wealth of information available on Tesla's techniques. Ironically, few take the time to read them.

Very, very few.

Tesla's patents lay out a great starting point. But like your great aunt leaving a key ingredient out of her prize cake recipe, some work must be done.
Tesla's patent attorney conducted a three day deposition in conjunction with a patent he filed on wireless energy transmission! The attorney was concerned that the patent language was insufficient to capture the genius and potential of Tesla's ideas. Read that.
The media is a mirror, albeit one which tailors itself to your perceptions and biases.
Human insecurities and fear keep the windmills turning and generating electricity!
The child holds the purity of the human spirit. That's why they have to be "educated". Pity, that.
We (or I should say YOU) fight yourselves!

Can you not see that??


WHILE you fight YOURSELVES, others pick your pockets.

Who is the greater fool?

WHO is truly at fault? YOU for fighting yourself, or others, who rob you while you struggle?
THE BIBLE CODE was, of course, an elaborate hoax...but created much buzz some years back. Now imagine if all of human history were encoded in the DNA helix and could be accessed in its completeness! Wouldn't THAT be interesting!
Humans have locked themselves into cages of their own construction...albeit with some carefully placed "suggestions"

laughing out loud!
I stated clearly before, human pain and fear are "harvested".

I didn't state by whom...and one must realize that MANY forces are at play here. Primary, secondary and tertiary!

And then there are those who benefit as "middlemen"!
By your existence, you create reality...however, YOU "yourself" (or at least your awareness) were created!

Thanks for playing!
Why do you think so much is invested in the "education" system and media "programming". Those who are evolving faster are ostracized by their own...held back... instead of being "groomed" to become the teachers and leaders of "their people".
As with crops, a wild seed blowing at the wrong time can wreck havoc on the most carefully laid "plans".

This is why control is so very necessary.
There is everything necessary for your nutrition without stealing or slaughtering animals. Have you checked out videos on how cows, chickens and pigs are "cared for/groomed" by humans? You will evolve when you lead by the example and treat animals the way you would be treated...
To be continued
(about fiat cash)

THAT is why we ALWAYS win this stupid game. The contestants are so naive and you so ably demonstrated!

What is stopping you, today, from forming a barter system within your community.
Obtaining control of the human emotions is humas greatest imparative and challenge. How may eons is THAT one going to take!
Humans are designed to run on high quality plant oil and certain fats. They are also well advised to refrain from glutens and most carbohydrates.

Carbohydrates are the trojan horse for the pharma industry.
There was no "truth" in the MATRIX movie, per se.

There was a LOT of subliminal programming and suggestion which was most effective!
Fear is a human construct! Think on that. It is within your scope to live without fear. Truly the beginning signs of evolution!

Think back of all the fears you have had in your life! How many really panned out in any meaningful way? Even those events which had a "bad ending" is only bad in a limited and contextual way. Context is very important, as is perspective! Numerous examples abound!
The energy contained within an atom is beyond human comprehension!

Read of Tesla. He is the real deal! Don't waste time with the hucksters on the internet, although tere are a few who acknowledge and are trying to continue Tesla's hundred years later!
For many years, human governments were pitted one against the other...resulting in wars, famine and poverty...except for the banking classes! They benefited greatly from war! And still do. As the era of the nation state comes to a close...on the cusp of a global world order...
competing nations will give way to class warfare and ultimately competing bloodlines. Poor Chinese will hate rich chinese...poor americans will hate rich americans...europeans the same.

Poor will wage war against the "rich" much larger scale than nation states. Perhaps you are seeing this play out now!
I do affirmatively state that the Mayan "timeline" IS a distraction and has no relevance to "future" events.
The purpose of the world government is to assert total control of the "masses" and harvest their "energy".

In a sense, there is no "future". Currently, you note a consolidation of the few remaining countries without a "central bank"...and how rapidly this is occurring.

Look for Syria next to fall, and fall quickly.

North Korea has already cut a deal under the aegis of China...feit accompli. Cuba has also agreed to the North American integration once Fidel "passes".

That leaves IRAN. And biblical prophesy. The fallout from that conflict sets the stage for the true new world order as has been broadcast in the media for the last 13 years or so.
Money is meaningless. Only power matters.

And we have all that is needed.

From where does your POWER come from?
If one chooses to pen and slaughter animals, one should consider the longer term ramifications of their actions. It is very simple-minded to think there are no consequences for the wholesale slaughter of "innocents"...particularly with so many better options available.
the Vatican is the repository of much of the true knowledge.

Quite an "evil" organization!

Laughing out loud!

The church even refers to its followers as "sheep"!
PAPER, People! You are handed PAPER!! What don't you get?? The paper costs nothing to produce!! And has the taxpayer's blood (read YOU) as backing! SO you provide the guarantee, at gunpoint!

Seriously, how can anyone who VOLUNTARILY participates in this system believe they can grasp higher level concepts?
According to American Indian folklore, any poison which occurs in nature, has its remedy within 3 meters.

You might be surprised to learn that every so called intractable position which one might find themselves, has a "remedy". Without exception! That is the natural law.
The keys to YOUR kingdom are within YOUR reach. How could it be otherwise? But continue to blame others and look outside for your "answers" if it makes you feel better.
could the parent not teach his own child?Why indoctrinate ones children (via public education) into a system so clearly aligned against the interests of the participants?Why allow ones children to consume media programming?

You have free will,but lack the maturity to exercise it
EVERY "intractable" situation, there is indeed a REMEDY. A few have figured this out but lack the courage or discipline to act!
Debt could not, by definition EVER be design.

Laughing out loud!

Keep repaying the interest...keep toiling...and all will be well.
turn the other cheek. Why? To deprive the "other" of your hate energy. That is the only way to prevail, but how many western minds can comprehend this simple teaching? Charles Manson, a famous prisoner in the us (although he committed no crime himself) said

something to the effect that the hatred of the americans towards him is what kept him going...or words to that effect!

Imagine! There is someone who actually understands the dynamic and, as such, had to be incarcerated!

Laughing out loud!!

The strongest weapon is the non-weapon.

One is indeed all...but don't tell anyone!!

Laughing out loud!!
Bickle, the presidents are NOT great or accomplished men. They are empty suits, willing to sell their souls for some simple comforts and perks.
As to an end game, it is already in play. The slaves are yoked and doing the work they were bred to do. They also lack the intellect to see what is in plain sight, which would remove the yoke.

So, the free choice is available, a prerequisite to this form of slavery, and the slaves are fearful.
There are some who have done their work on the question of the US tax code, but even when explained, the vast majority will not pay attention.

Familiar with the phrase "pay your fair share"? Consider that the "fair share" might well be zero!

Laughing out loud!
The market exists to get worthless fiat out of the hands of the little people, and for no other reason. And it is very easy to do. Think about how the markets work!
There is ALWAYS a solution for any "intractable" situation!! Always and without exception, for ever and ever!
At some point, the remaining bloodlines will be similar enough in power and stature to know that coexistence is the next logical evolutionary step....referred biblically as the thousand year peace.

At that point, there wont be many left, at least relevant to the current population level. 500 million at most.

THEN things get interesting!

Thanks for playing!
Why is it that everyone wins in Las Vegas, yet the casinos make record profits..except if no one shows up!

Historically,the stock market in the US was looked upon as a gambling syndicate in the 20s and 30's..only later was it legitimized by allowing a select number of winners!
Casinos always place the higher paying slot machines near the entrances and high traffic areas!

For every featured expert in your "financial magazines" there are a million losers, suffering in silence and extruding fear and worry (to be harvested!!).

Plus, they will have to keep laboring with no retirement!!

No one made them enter into a rigged contest, no more than one is forced to visit las vegas!
Of course, the objective is to flood the world with fiat, but not in your twitchy little hands!!

Assets bought cheap!! Artificial demand for dollars and euros, of which you will have none!

Sorry to say!
One point made repeatedly is the utilization of fear as a tool of control! Fear is rooted in a feeling of not having control in one's environment or lacking the skill or knowledge to react appropriately in any situation.
Do you see the American presidency as an approximation of royal bloodlines? Or what is it that makes you hold these actors in such regard?

Do you not see that Lincoln in his role was a tool of the international banking system of that time?

What did Lincoln do, in your mind, that would make him a worthy ancestor? If such were to be the case?

And, PLEASE do not say ANYTHING regarding slavery!
You want to believe there is a savior out there...someone smarter than you who can tell you how things really are. Give you a blueprint for which to proceed.

Many famous musicians made fortunes and then lost them later by outsourcing the financial management to others.

You can likewise outsource the difficult struggle for truth, but take the risk of being led astray or cheated. Can you take that level of risk?

Perhaps a more reasonable expectation is to gather clues and form your own opinions. From there, you develop the ability to make choices and actions. Right or wrong, they are your decisions. You are driving the bus! From your wrong decisions, wisdom will come...sooner or later.
The battle for most people is to stay away from carbohydrates, which are injurious to human health.
money has become your god, and it is a false god!
Fiat is sexmoneymagic! It is the false god of culture! it is all-consuming and self-sustaining. It expands effortlessly like the elastic waistband of an obese american!

Now consider how much energy is expended in its pursuit and how much misery (negative energy) has come from this simple piece of paper!
the concept of the "slow burn". It is analogous to the "frog in boiling water" scenario...that the dumb brute is too stupid (or lacks the sensory capacity) to detect gradual changes in its new environment and is thus cooked!

(Rothschild goes onto say the Middle class will burn..
.....and serfdom will occur with a few rich and may poor just like in India. He says many low bankers will lose a lot of money themselves and commit suicide.

The Scamdemic is helping that so we must stop it.
Purpose Of NWO:

elimination of the middle classes and the attandant benefits once enjoyed.

The mechanism is well established presently. However, think of the progress as one would think of calculus...always approaching zero!

Not at all. The more serfs the merrier....for some anyway!

Laughing out loud!

And yet some ask, or wait patiently, for the "economy" to improve!
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