Both of these things can be true:

1. Outrage about Republicans' attacks on the legitimacy of the US Pres election wholly justified.

2. It is historically illiterate to claim such blatantly undemocratic behaviour, and blatant lying about it, is historically unprecedented.
The whole history of the US Jim Crow South is one long case study in US elected officials engaging in blatantly undemocratic behaviour, justified in blatantly and obviously false ways. They did that for *generations* in the South.
All those Southern Democratic Senators? Elected fradulently, in elections which blatantly and obviously disenfranchised millions, for reasons which which blatant and obvious lies. This behaviour was accepted by the rest of the political system, including their own party.
This is all within living memory, and indeed current US political alignments can't be understood without reference to it.
Yet when an autocratic TV presenter and failed businessman from Queens tries to do the same thing to Northern white people that Dixiecrats did for generations to African Americans this is all of a sudden something that America has never seen before? Come on.
Trump's behaviour is disgusting, and outrageous, and dangerous. What it is not is behaviour without precedent in US history. There is all too much precedent for it.
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