Shortly after @theblcklst website launched, I was introduced to Tony Hsieh, who asked me what I next needed to accomplish our mission of supporting talented aspiring professional screenwriters in making their way into the industry....
My answer was rambling: About the need for community, about wanting to start a screenwriters lab, about not having the resources to execute it

A week later he emailed to say that he could give me 15 bedrooms in downtown Las Vegas for a full week if that would be helpful.
And @theblcklst screenwriters lab was born.

I can’t claim to have known him well, which is, I think, even greater testament to him:

Tony Hsieh was uncommonly generous, often inexplicably.
I’m lucky to have met him early in my time as an entrepreneur, both because of his generosity and because of the example it set for me.

Generosity can be a way of life, and good business, without necessarily having a five year plan as to how.
He is gone too soon, and I hope that those who knew him can find the joy in his memory that he would have wanted to create in life.
You can follow @franklinleonard.
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