In Greek Mythology Prometheus the Titan gave Humanity Fire & for that Zeus chained him to a lonely Rock & sent an Eagle once a day to devour his Liver (which grew back every night)
Hercules eventually freed Prometheus from this torment.
Prometheus suffered for helping the Human Race civilize itself via fire, General Flynn has suffered, along with his Family for serving our Country in an honest & forthright manner.
When all others engaged in "Happy Talk" to make a Feckless Obama look good, Flynn refused.
He did not engage in "Happy Talk" regarding Obama's failures in Iraq & in the damage Obama was causing in his pursuit of his insane Iran Deal.
Obama, a petty & vengeful Rogue President, soon fired Flynn as the Director of the DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency)
Obama made moves preparing for the "INEVITABLE" Hillary Presidency including BOGUS & CONTRIVED charges (sound familiar?) they would use to take Donald Trump out of politics for good.
Obama's WH was ILLEGALY spying on HUNDREDS of Americans trying to ram thru the Iran Deal.
They needed to make sure NO Populist Outsider could ever emerge to threaten their DC Swamplands again.
That's right, all the INDICATORS are they had set up to STEAL 2016 but didn't CHEAT ENOUGH & got caught unprepared.
Obama was forced to hand the Presidency over to Trump.
But here's the thing, even by that time the Democrats had bought their own BS propaganda about Trump.
Trump's carefully CREATED Persona is a STRATEGY he employs.
They cannot HELP themselves.
They see him as a BUFFOON.
At that meeting Obama took THE BUFFOON aside & told his in confidence "whatever you do, don't bring Flynn into the WH."
Obama told THE DOLT that Flynn was Bad News.
The actual reason Obama didn't want General Flynn anywhere near the WH is because Flynn is a RAZOR.
The former Director of the DIA & a 33 year career Military Spook would figure out almost immediately what Obama & Company had been doing were he allowed access to WH Comms & Personnel as the incoming National Security Advisor.
So this had to be prevented at all costs.
Trump wasn't fooled by Obama's entreaty & he tagged Flynn as NSA confirming THE CABAL'S worst fears.
Understand, all of them knew their spying on Americans either from outside FISA Courts or by defrauding those Courts was criminally ACTIONABLE.
Flynn had to be stopped somehow.
Enter David Ignatius from the Washington (Com) Post.
They came up with a rudimentary plan=Create a CLOUD OF SUSPICION via the MSM then have their Operatives in the @FBI go & "investigate" those suspicions to open the Door for a political prosecution (READ: PERSECUTION)
Obama SET UP Flynn by initiating a contrived INCIDENT with the Russians by introducing sanctions & expelling 35 Russian Diplomats & their Families.
Flynn had already "touched Base" with Russian Ambassador Kislyak several times previously as incoming the NSA
They were setting up that very necessary CLOUD OF SUSPICION for their hatchet job on Flynn.
Eventually even the Press was forced to admit that Flynn was just DOING HIS JOB.
Realizing that Flynn wasn't going to bow out under the pressure of the MSM, Obama did the Sanctions.
Here's the problem. When the FBI Operatives showed up to entrap Flynn he was too smart for them.
He gave them nothing ACTIONABLE.
So they floundered for over 2 months as the PRESSURE to **get Flynn the F**K OUTTA THERE!** increased from the 7th Floor AND THE WHITE HOUSE.
They had NOTHING.
They were about to close their BS politically contrived case & admit defeat when Agent Strzok suddenly called in & said don't close it.
Then he & his LOVER & FBI Lawyer Lisa Page EDITED the only official record of the Flynn interview, a REPORT called a 302.
That's right, the FBI does NOT record their interviews.
The only OFFICIAL record of what happened in an interview is a completely SUBJECTIVE Report of an FBI Agent.
Agent Joseph Pientka filed that ORIGINAL Report.
Months later, desperate to GET FLYNN Strzok/Page edited it.
To turn a forthright & patriotic American, a military hero with nothing but the BEST intentions towards serving the Nation faithfully....into a criminal.
First Strzok edited the 302. Dissatisfied with her Peter's edit, Lisa Page edited it further.
Then they charged Flynn.
Here's the NYT's attempting to cover for their blunder.
You see, the now infamous call that Flynn supposedly lied about happened THE MORNING OF THE 28TH.
**Obama's Sanctions weren't announced until that afternoon!**
General Flynn is accused of LYING to the FBI about discussing the Sanctions with Amb. Kislyak.
So if Flynn's CRIME is that he lied, he DID discuss the sanctions...
How could he? THEY HADN'T HAPPENED YET & neither man knew they were coming.
The ORIGINAL 302 would prove a set up.
When @SidneyPowell1 got her hands on all the exculpatory evidence the FBI had been HIDING one document was never made available=THE ORIGINAL 302.
We are told it was deleted.
Gosh, what a shock.
When I think of what's been done to Flynn & his Family I'm extremely angry.
There is a special place in Hell for people like Strzok, McCabe & OBAMA.
Who casually sacrifice the lives of other people for their ambitions or to cover up their crimes.
There's an even deeper place for Souls like Judge Sullivan, a TRUSTED Officer of the Court.
Well, President Trump #TIMED this pardon perfectly.
If you've followed me over the years this has played out you know I've always said I wanted full exoneration for Michael Flynn.
But this is a WAR for the Soul of the Nation, RIGHT CCP JOE?
(That slogan has gotta be Judas Goats!)
With 1 carefully timed act the President had FREED Flynn to speak while at the same time freeing up Sidney to pursue HER Lawsuits against the digital Election Fraud of not only Nov. 2020 but all PROVABLE CASES from years gone by.
Georgia & Michigan are just the BEGINNING
Did you know THE KRAKEN is a nickname given to a Cyber Warfare Unit/Software Suite used by http://US.Mil  to identify threats not just on a Battlefield, but threats to National Security/Defense?
Like Prometheus, Powell & FLYNN are now UNCHAINED & free to pursue their goals=the restoration of our Republic from the manifest threats that have imperiled it & who's threats had only grown before the Trump Presidency.
That threat has reached it's zenith.
Now, like Icarus....
Our Enemies, Foreign & Domestic shall fall to Earth in a Homeric crash of their Fortunes.
Mostly in the Shadows a CLASH OF TITANS has occurred & the Righteous did prevail.
All that remains is to give the "Heralds" of our Foes, their Sycophants & Slaves the BAD NEWS=TRUMP WINS.
They'll HOWL, SHRIEK & CATERWAUL "IT'S A COUP!" & no one will give a single, solitary Damn.
The MSM are shattering before our eyes as the DC Democrats hide under their Beds.
THEY know what's coming.
They've realized WHO Trump is.
The Silicon Valley Overlords are oblivious.
I will take particular relish in what President Trump's going to do to them.
They thought they were THE MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE.
All they actually were were rich & amoral America Haters.
& their Barr Tab is on the way.
I anticipate most of this playing out in the next 2 weeks.
You may actually see members of the Media try to PHYSICALLY ATTACK our President before January.
They & their Social Media Allies thought they had super powers.
When they were, in fact, just criminals going up against a REAL Superhero.
I never doubted him.
All is Well.
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