I have seen so many people who wish others harm or sadness because they're unhappy with themselves. Some of these people argue that this person did this or that to me, and they deserve to be miserable the rest of their lives.

That's not how energy works.
The universal laws answer only to the present moment, to NOW. It doesn't care about a perceived past or future as they essentially don't exist.

If someone has hurt you and you continue to cycle those thoughts and memories, you're only aligning to the pain and suffering of it.
This drops your vibration to a state of anger, fear or sadness because fundamentally, the brain doesn't know the difference between a memory, visualization, dream or thought and physical reality.

Why? Because it's all frequency based, and to the brain, it's all the same.
All you're doing when you continue to cycle these painful memories is continuously hurt yourself while the other person is happily living their lives.

You are giving them your power and state of being over and over, gaining absolutely nothing.
If you enjoy suffering and being stressed, then sure, go ahead in your ways.

If you're ready to be happy then forgive them, forgive yourself, let it go and move on.

It doesn't matter if this person or people did something hurtful as simple as calling you ugly.
Or if they did something worse like raping or abusing you.

The universe responds to your frequency in the present moment. You're the only one causing your own demise and pain, aligning to more pain and suffering by not letting go.
What those people did have nothing to do with your worth. The pain doesn't come from the experience.

It comes from you believing you're nothing, you're unworthy, you're not enough.

Learn to love yourself unconditionally because only then you will stop suffering.
Only then you will be able to align to true happiness, which will bring you into alignment with the highest benefitting path for you....your vortex.
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