laura: years each of promoting metal shows, running a metal radio show, and bartending at a metal bar.

margaret: first metal show was helsinki metal fest 1999. lives in a black triangle cabin she built in the woods.

feminazgûl: releases full length about death and rot, for free

chuds: “who are these posers just trying to make a buck off of our scene?”
to be clear, we shouldn't have to have decades of experience in metal in order to be an all-woman band. it just happens that we do.
black metal is not only for the elite. it is for anyone who needs to howl in anguish and curse this mortal world. the zit-faced kid in blue jeans needs it as much as the 30yr old with a rare tape collection.
the proper response to being shunned by the cool kids is not to create your own system by which you are the cool kids who get to shun people. the way to get back at the cool kids is to subvert the system of social hierarchy that created them.
to create a scene where you don't need to be cool.

most of the cool kids were never even the enemy, but instead held captive by the same systems of performative cruelty that hurt us.
when you make someone—especially marginalized people—pass gatekeepers, you're only weakening your own scene. homogeny is never strength.
mostly, though, we laugh at the gatekeepers whove tried to stop us. they can’t.

because we’re not out to conquer. we’re just some girls making some music and seeing who our strange spells resonate with. which is to say: making black metal.
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