She seems to believe I have Svengali-like powers over the people I follow & who follow me back, as though folks are just mindless drones. It’s also a bit sad the only response she has to critics who call out her disgusting views is to label them “trolls”. (1/3)
Perhaps she ought to sue all the many media outlets who first reported her depraved positions before targeting ordinary Twitter users, because as we all know, it’s there in the public domain. She’s salty because she believed gravitas would come with the Lady Fox title... (2/3)
...but she’s quickly discovering that no amount of ermine can prettify her horrendous beliefs and she can’t escape from the past and all the things she’s said and done (as a matter of public record). (3/3)
I might add that perhaps if madam apologised for her long held defence of the IRA & for supporting their actions in Warrington etc, if she apologised for the genocide denialism, & if she apologised for her remarks on CSAI, that might be a very good start.
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