X : Tips on introducing pioneer - settler - town planner (PST)?

Me :
Step 1. A five year ban on any re-organisation.
Step 2. Spend five years fixing your doctrine (see attached).
Step 3. Now you can talk about PST.
X : Do you think people will listen?
Me : Probably not. Execs often want magic easy fixes and people think re-organisation gives them that, it's a quick hit. Just say "no" to re-organisation.
X : How do you know that doctrine is right?
Me : I don't. It's all derived from mapping, even the phases are built on it. But it's called Wardley's doctrine because it is my doctrine. If it doesn't work, blame me, it's my name on it. Maybe someone will find a better list.
Doctrine is based upon mapping and hence it inherits the same characteristics of being imperfect, wrong but somewhat useful. In the same way, hopefully people will produce better maps, a better way of mapping and better doctrine. It's why I make all this stuff creative commons.
X : Whilst I agree with the principal of no reorgs often the org’s shape is a barrier.
Me : Fair point, I just want people to stop reaching for the "re-org" lever.
X : Read from the bottom to top, correct?
Me : One is built on the other, the later phases are built on the earlier phases. Design for constant evolution (PST) is right at the end.
X : Isn't PST about attitude and aptitude?
Me : Yes. In an earlier phase you simply need to think about attitude and aptidue. A later phase you get onto doing it. There is method in my madness.
X : What about culture?
Me : Doctrine is one component in that conversation, along with values, belonging, rituals, behaviours etc etc. I'm not having that conversation now.
X : Shouldn't phase I be at the bottom of that doctrine table?
Me : Would it help?
X : Probably. Reinforcing the building on top message.
Me : Ok, if it makes things clearer I'll fix the table.
X : Why do you think execs reach for the re-org lever?
Me : They're encouraged to?
X : Who by?
Me : I'm guessing it's often payday for management consultants and business schools?
X : This stuff is so useful, why did you give it away?
Me : Firstly, if I hadn't then no-one would be using it. Secondly, my future business plan depends upon it.
X : How?
Me : Well ...
... once more companies understand their landscape, they're not doing one size fits all, they're learning about patterns of change, using reasonable doctrine (principles) then I've created an entire market to sell strategic weapons into. I plan to be an arms dealer of gameplay.
X : Isn't that what management consultants do?
Me : ROFTL ... you've made my day.
X : With doctrine, how do you know when to move on to another phase?
Me : When you and your people think you are ready. I could sell you a metric but that would be snakeoil.
X : Would it make me feel comfortable and happy with my decisions in life? :)
Me : Only if it's genuine Falmer blood elixir. Read books in an instant, read your enemy's mind. My mate Brynolf sells it. How many cases do you want?
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