I applaud President Obama for the grace he's shown during and after his presidency. The way left, fellow liberals, some in the Black community treated him almost as bad as the GOP. Ugly fact: There are bigots in the Democratic party. They're just better at concealing it.
You see thinkpieces by journobros, blaming him for the division in the country. In honesty, you know that some of them are still pissed the Black dude won.. twice.
When some in his own party tried to separate from Obamacare to save their own political asses, writing was already there. The way left wanted some far-reaching policy. Yet they're too stupid to realize that obstructionists ran Congress and the Senate. Basic civics.
Keep it real, and we always do, some in the Black community failed that man. By asking what Obama did for us, they minimized the effort. To hoteps, he wasn't Black enough, or policies helpful enough. Bullshit. He was the president of the United States of America, not just us.
I am not blessed with similar restraint and why I can't run for office. I'd cuss someone out in a minute. President Obama never did and he truly could've.
Justice Dems

These are the folks that tantrumed in the party. Part of me blames Tom Perez for letting the proverbial fox in the henhouse.
President Obama pulled America from the depths of a recession, created positive job growth and a healthcare plan that saved the lives of millions. Hell, my mother lived a decade longer. That man is owed a thank you.
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