I'm thinking aloud here. Thread:

All woman, including conservative/trad women are some kind of feminists. Its that there is a seed of feminism buried deep inside

Because of the feminist movement all woman enjoys the fruits of freedom, even that of conservatives/trad woman have
This is by design. Feminist movement does not cancel trad/conservative woman. They show goodwill and "way forward" to them. They give them time to become their allies eventually
Liberals/progressives are attacking & expanding. Conservatives always defending & losing

Some feminists can shame housewives etc. But it is to make them submit "other woman" to join them and be "modern" like them. But the movement sees conservative women as its allies over time
Conservative woman today have tasted the freedom due to industrialisation/materialism. So they would rather support feminists than supporting their men if it threatens their freedom/liberty to do things in their own way by setting boundaries in line with conservative frame
So all women are feminist but they set their own boundaries to operate. Alienate them from even that boundaries they operate, they/men have set, they will call BS. May rebel to join the feminist movement to secure it
We have come a long way. Woman don't need protection like 100 years ago. We have laws and system (however inefficient the system maybe to control crimes) is on their side due to the movement and politics around it
So sensible men should not take it to a point where trad women also opposes conservative men by siding with feminists & becoming foot soldiers of fems

I understand the behaviour. It is in their self interest

Conservative women or allies should be aware👇🏼 https://twitter.com/BeingTheShakti/status/1332548366723497985?s=19
What's next?

Talks of "going back" is futile

What is the way forward? I think we are moving towards more feminism, progressivism and materialism. Because we all aspire. We are slaves of desire and are materialistic
Due to the materialism/aspirations we have, it is inevitable for women to work. They rather be "corporate slaves" to maintain/sustain lifestyles. Because one man's income is not enough to sustain a family esp if they have parents and kids etc. Yes blame the design
Now what can we really do about it to counter this? Thoughts?

I think not much we can control as whole. We can only control our immediate environment. So embrace what's coming and hack the situation. IDK. I know it doesn't make sense😂

Corrections are most welcome. Thank you
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