I see I’ve awoken to some premium “my kids learning in person is more important than the lives of teachers, who’s own families don’t matter as much as my own” takes!
Spoiler: teachers can’t teach if they’re dead or on a ventilator. I’m sure some of us will try and the Washington Post will toss a feel-good story about it into the ether but it’s just not realistic, babes!
“AMAZING: Local teacher who died of COVID 2 weeks ago, leaving behind her three children and six grandchildren recorded video lessons from her hospital bed before passing!”
Where was this energy to get guns and cops out of schools?! Sorry you have to do math worksheets with your 11 year olds but I’m not going to apologize to you for spreading a deadly virus to my mother who has multiple sclerosis!
Teachers aren’t fucking Navy SEALS, we’re nerds with masters degrees who get paid peanuts. Very few *good* teachers do this job to be some sort of hero, and the ones who do are the reason why were having this conversation over and over again!!!
I’ll say it with my whole chest too: the people who use school as childcare and see teachers as the Help, and the people who think they should be able to bend the school systems and curriculum to their personal desires on a whim are the same people!
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