No right minded Sikh in this country will ever support Khalistan. All those delusional fucks who are doing it just for sake of hating BJP/Sangh.
You guys are the biggest idiots. Doing the biggest disservice to your own religion and this nation
This Khalistan ka chooran was given by Pakis because
1. They hate Sikhs to the core.
2. They hate India even more
That was the only way they thought they could take revenge on this "Qaum"
Read a bit, know your own past !
Read what barbaric atrocities were heaped on your women and kids during partition. Read what racist slurs they use for you even now. Perhaps it will help you get back from that comman language delusion. Gurumukh is my even taught there. Punjabi is just a spoken language
Khalistanis are delusional fucks living off the support of Pakistan. The same country the same mindset which spoilt your generations by pumping drug into the state. So much for bhaichara.
They hate / fear Sikh so much that mutiny in Sikh Regt is favourite rumour of ISI stooges
If you still have delusion about Khalistan and Paki support do read about state of minority in Pakistan. Esp the Sikhs! Esp them. Aankhe khul jaani hai.
Hate MODI / BJP as much as you want. Don't fucking become a pawn in hands of the country which hates your very existence
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