This is a thread about big leap moments - what it takes, and why most *overestimate* how hard it is (and so, avoid risk).

Been thinking about a leap? Let’s go.

Here are some ways to flesh it out this weekend... 1/
Most people have had “big leap” moments when they look back.

It may be quitting a job that wasn’t working for you, leaving a relationship that wasn’t right.

People put off massive changes for a long time... and then one day… they reach their limit & they leap. 2/
What is that limit for you?

For most, they're pushed until they reach this moment of absolute certainty - then they'll do whatever it takes.

That’s the defining moment where everything changes..and that’s the space I love operating in - it’s where the magic is. 3/
Those leaps end up being some of the most transformative experiences in our lives...yet we hesitate to do them again.

They're hard. They're terrifying. They change everything.

Instead of trusting instinct...we start asking around, and that’s where problems lie. 4/
Doubt, second-guessing, questioning ourself. Sometimes we lack courage when it matters.

It’s easy to hide. No one else knows either way.

It isn’t something to be embarrassed about or avoid - it’s something to hone in and work on.

It pays off in every area of life. 5/
We end up asking people who, themselves, don’t make those leaps. They played it safe or stayed comfortable...even when comfortable was really just “tolerable.”

Think about who you are asking questions or seeking truth from.

They can skew your perspective. 6/
If you ask people, “do you think you have the ability to direct your life?” Almost everyone will say “Yes.”

...but honestly see if their lives reflect those beliefs - 90% don’t.

Check your references points. Many did not make a choice, they lacked courage. 7/
Many seek out others who will confirm their own fears or biases for taking/not taking the leap...Why are you *not* trusting yourself?

Do you know what you require for a truly happy life? What keeps you stuck?

These are important questions to ask. 8/
So if today, you’re sitting there wondering...should I take the leap? Tune into your own gut, and think about your own limits & life ahead.

What are the stakes if you don’t take that leap and what are the stakes if you do?

The answer is there. 9/fin
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