Yesterday one of my good friend texted me. She has a degree in finance and now shes doing accountancy job but now, she feels she cant bear with the job anymore. She has no passion.
Guys if youre in this situation. Listen up.
1. Are you really not into the job?
2. Or the surrounding, your environment, colleagues makes you feel like you dont like the job?
If youre in the first situation.

Ask yourself what kind of job you would like to do? It doesnt matter study engineering tapi at the end jual nasi lemak. So what?
It requires a lot of courage. I was doing my study in tourism. Tbh i dont like that AT ALL. I just did that bc if change, it will take longer to finish. I worked in public relationship for quite sometimes and i got to be in a position. And before that i was a bar tender.
From a bar tender i got promoted to be a supervisor (i started from 0) totally not in my profession. I left that job and i furthered my study. Again in tourism bc its shorten my study.
I was joining event during my study. Again nothing related to tourism. I was doing many kind of jobs. When i was 23 i already did 10+ different kind of job just to find what i really like. Fyi, i wasnt born in a wealthy family. I worked my ass out for every single penny.
And each job that i did, i made an achievement. I got promoted to be on the next level. And thats where i started to earn more and more money. But truth to be told the happiness was just temporary..
After i graduated i jumped to a different job. I became an hotelier. Again after 4 months with them i gt promoted, biggest achievement for myself bc i worked for a luxury company and id to compete with the “international colleagues” and i was nominated as one of the best employee
Thy paid me really good money. Id enjoying life spending euros like no more tomorrow. But thats it. After a year. I got depression. Im not happy with what im doing.

And here it comes to your second situation.

“Working environment, surrounding”
You know if you love the job. But the surrounding stress you. Theres two method you can try here.

1. Look for the same job but in a different company.
2. Do your job, get paid and just dong give a fuck anymore.
But overall your mental health is the most important here. You know yourself very well more thn everyone else does. If you feel its exceed your limit. Then take a step back. Go for a leave. Take unpaid leave. Find yourself. Maybe youre just stress.
But if it doesnt work. Then this is the time for you to move on. Have yourself value. You know losing job isnt end of the world. You have had giving your best into it. Nothing to lose.
You know it doesnt matter of the money. Listen to your body. I give up that and now im more happier and after i left the company. Many more offers coming in.
And dont regret anything. Take any kind of job you do now as a challenge and yourlife experiences! These are all bonus for you. Knowledge for yourself. :)

And what im glad now is..for what ive done and i went finally found what exactly i want to be. :)
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