Vitamin D is in the news today because: 1) England is giving it out for free and 2) This article minimizes its role in the pandemic. But there are some very smart people who think it is not just important for #COVID19 but essential. Here's how the argument was presented to me: 1/
Turning to COVID: Of nearly 200k patients who had #coronavirus testing, the positivity rate was higher in patients with “deficient” vitamin D levels (<20 ng/mL) (12.5%, 95% C.I. 12.2–12.8%) than in the patients with “adequate” values (30–34 ng/mL) (8.1%, 95% C.I. 7.8–8.4%).
Conclusion: Vitamin D deficiency is cheap and easy to both detect and correct. While we wait for more evidence, England is providing free supplements to the vulnerable.
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