🚨PA Absentee Ballot(AB) Irregularities Deep-dive🚨

ABs in PA - even if Biden received:
-95% of returned Democrat votes
-21% of returned Republican votes
-80% of returned Independent votes

He wouldn't have as many votes as he actually received

🕵️Investigation Needed🕵️

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I've been consistent on this issue since Nov 4th

I just didn't know what the final vote breakdown of absentee ballots was until now

Biden's final total of 1,995,591 is virtually impossible to explain given the party affiliation of absentee ballot voters https://twitter.com/gummibear737/status/1324239899378262016?s=20
Don't believe me, let's look at exit polls from election day (Washington Post)

Exit polls show Biden +85% among Democrats meaning

Democrat Voters in PA:
92.50% Biden vs 7.5% others

Let's say this is within the margin of error and 95% is plausible https://www.washingtonpost.com/elections/interactive/2020/exit-polls/pennsylvania-exit-polls/
The same exit polls show Trump +83% among Republicans meaning

Republican Voters in PA:
91.50% Trump vs 8.5% other

so 21% of Republicans voting for Trump is out of the question

Let's give Biden 11% of Republican ABs in case there was a margin of error in Trump's favor
The same exit poll on Independents

Biden by 51 percent to 43 percent for Trump

So there is no way Biden gets 80% of the Independent vote

Let's be nice and bump it up (😉) to 55% of Independents voting for Biden
So with this super favorable percentage of votes for Biden:
-95% of Democrat Absentee Ballots
-11% of Republican Absentee Ballots
-55% of Independent Absentee Ballots

He would still be -143K votes short of his actual total
But if we input WaPo's real exit poll data?

Biden is -213K vote shy of his actual total
Some may say that absentee ballot voters behave differently than day of election voters

The problem is that we are dealing with very large data sets here

The probability that 21% of Republicans and 80% of Independent voters would vote for Biden is outside the margin of error
But maybe you insist that there is just something about voting from home that makes both Republicans and Independents more likely to vote for Biden

Fair enough, but now you have to prove it - no "theories"

I've shown a clear irregularity that needs to be investigated
Or you can just use common sense and realize that this doesn't make sense

It's not a complicated analysis - anybody can do it

And I'm using Pennsylvania Secretary of State data for anybody that wants to check my numbers
And it gets worse!

These extra 100K-200K votes had to come from somewhere because the final votes needed to approximate the returned ballots

You can't add ballots out of thin air

This implies that these are ballots cast for other candidates and were flipped
You wanted proof, here it is

There is no way to harmonize the data from returned absentee ballots to Biden's 1,995,591 total absentee ballot votes

There's just no way Biden to have gotten 76% of returned absentee ballots in Pennsylvania

It should be clear for anybody to see
Final thought

Send out generic absentee ballots (like this one for PA) and you've made a mockery of election security

Only way forward is an immediate investigation to clarify why this blatant irregularity exists

That's it, please remember to RT the first tweet in this thread!
Jorgensen got 53,318 votes on election day

Not 500K+ as in the chart

But doesn’t affect the analysis in any way

Sorry for the typo
Fixed the error for Election Day votes for Jorgensen

Again, doesn't affect the analysis which is purely on absentee ballot votes
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