2 years to the day after that 6-2 mauling, I was back at Highbury to see United snatch a 1-0 win, with the newly signed Eric watching from the stands. 28th November 1992 is a day I will always remember. We went from Highbury straight to Heathrow to fly on to Lisbon. #MUFC #GGMU
Fergie had offered us a lift on the team bus, but Fartin overruled him, nevermind it was a direct tube journey on the Piccadilly line from Arsenal and we soon caught up with players in the bar at Heathrow #ManchesterUnited #GGMU #ManUtd
Soon we were on the plane for a party!
Which carried in for the entire flight
they sang ‘who put the ball in the gooners net’ to sparky and of course we introduced ourselves to the new signing.
And on arrival at Lisbon the team were met personally by the man they were there to honour, the late great Eusebio. A really memorable day supporting the greatest team of all.
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