This is a pretty good example of what happened to all the videos on 9eIeven. Why would they try to hide the fire trucks? This is how they added planes. There were no live shots when the buildings were hit.
@dmills3710 @carmindabrendel @RaeAnon
You may need to pause the video 👍
ignore the typo lol
The two dressed alike at 16 seconds into this clip are my 2 main suspects who could have done this. You can hear the guy say, they are photoshop and computer pros. They were part of the GeIatin group on 90-91st flr WTC1.
Does anyone know what these white box trucks might be? They look like some kind of mobile command units.

In between the 2 circles it looks like someone even edited this picture to hide another vehicle with a fake tree.
This is the same corner, what it looks like today. According to g00gle maps.
I think that dark square with a dot might be a d.u.m.b. entrance or the hill next to it might be some kind of underground entrance.?
A cross the double street to the left is a very important building.
There is a telephone switch hub right there. You think could be a target to get US intel? @dmills3710
please stop throttling/shadowbanning this Twitter.
I'm asking nicely 🙏
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