A few observations from the Shanghai cooperation heads of states meeting earlier this month: through utilising platforms such as SCO, Beijing expands its interests and justifies its actions vis a vis eg HK, eventually Taiwan, by initiating SCO outcomes such as 1/5
how SCO will “prevent foreign intervention that tries to meddle in the internal affairs of the member states”, (in other words the US) and SCO “will fight the three evils of terrorism (Beijing has the right to oppress Uighurs) separatism (justifies actions in HK and against 2/5
Taiwan) and religious extremism (right to oppress any religions) under the pandemic.”

Second observation has far-reaching consequences to the Western economies as Beijing moves fast in aiming at making new standards and rules for digital economy: 3/5
“the digital economy is a new sector with vague rules, and in the past the US-led Western world made the rules. But this time, China needs to use the platform of the SCO to reinforce its influence on rule making over the digital economy.” (Source GT). 4/5
Surely, SCO will not be the only platform China will utilise to draft the future standards and rules of the digital economy; RCEP and other forums will prove to be useful too. While the US and Europe are locked up battling the pandemic, China moves fast in various fronts. 5/5
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