What a week! Today is a momentous day for tens of thousands of people with old/minor criminal records. Finally, after over 7 years of campaigning, changes to the law come into effect to which cautions/convictions show up on DBS checks. Read my blog here: https://www.unlock.org.uk/a-momentous-day/
I’m so proud of everyone that has helped make sure this day finally came. Particular shout out to the passionate & determined staff team at @unlockcharity and our amazing legal team that supported our Supreme Court intervention @BindmansLLP @doughtystreetpublic @caoilfhionnanna
And it's been a great example of the importance of the independent voluntary sector speaking truth to power. Great partnership working with @libertyhq and @Justforkidslaw on the legal case, and working with so many orgs like @theSCYJ and @TransformJust1 to campaign for change.
A big shout out to all of those that have helped @unlockcharity fund this work. The hundreds of people that donated to our @CrowdJustice legal fund and the trusts/foundations that have specifically supported our policy work incl. @BarrowCadbury, @Baring_Found and @EsmeeFairbairn
There are two main changes. The first change is that childhood cautions will no longer be automatically disclosed. Up until now, about 25,000 childhood cautions were disclosed every year, so this change will help thousands move on from minor things they did when they were a child
The second change is that a so-called ‘multiple conviction rule’ is being abolished. This arbitrary rule had meant that people with more than one conviction on their record had them all disclosed, no matter what the offences were, and no matter how long ago they were
According to Home Office data, these changes will mean around 45,000 people a year will now have a clear standard or enhanced DBS check. But we know many people are simply put off applying through fear and embarrassment, so the number that will benefit will be even higher still.
The changes being made today are actually quite simple, but the rules around what gets disclosed on standard/enhanced checks are still quite complicated. This page on @unlockcharity's website has everything you need to know: https://www.unlock.org.uk/policy-issues/specific-policy-issues/filtering/what-will-be-the-impact-of-the-changes-to-filtering/
Perhaps most importantly, here’s someone who can now pursue the career they want, free from stigma: “I will be forever grateful to Unlock. I cannot believe that from next week I will be able to apply for teaching jobs without the worry of dragging up my childhood traumas.”
But there’s still a lot more to do. Despite today’s changes, we are still left with a criminal records system where many people with old and minor criminal records are shut out of jobs that they are qualified to do because of a mistake they made years ago.
That’s why @unlockcharity is continuing to call for a root and branch review of the criminal records system to reduce the length of time a record is revealed. The #FairChecks site is a crucial way for you to show your MP that you support reform: https://www.fairchecks.org.uk/ 
You can follow @ChrisStacey.
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