Tony was an amazing iPhone photographer. He’d see things that hardly anyone else saw and framed his shots beautifully. I tried to encourage him to use something other than a phone, but he wouldn’t. He took me out at magic hour to show me what he saw. He was an artist.
One of Tony’s favorite things to eat was Popeye’s chicken. I bought him some once and I’ve never seen him happier.
We often sat for hours talking. I’ll try to find one of my favorite videos of him tomorrow where he tried to see how fast he could go on a treadmill while spinning around without falling. We laughed for hours that day over the silliest things.
Tony messaged me out of the blue on days when he sensed I needed a little encouragement. His spidey sense was amazing. He always knew what to say.
People may not know this but Tony was shy and he came up with games he’d play to help break through this shyness in order to be in public with strangers. He always loved to tell me about his little social experiments.
Tony loved many people and he loved to tell me about those he loved. The way he described people and what he saw in them was delightful.
Tony was service oriented and if I was carrying anything, he would grab it out of my hands and carry it. He would lecture me about having too many things, but he’d carry it anyway.
Tony loved connecting dots. He was a master at figuring out which people should know each other and why.
Once, I saw Tony give a presentation about Zappos early on and he was so great on stage, which was something I found odd for someone who was shy. He told me his secret and he freed me from my speaking anxiety. He didn’t practice and made up what he’d talk about right before.
Tony gave the most amazing back rubs. He’d ask you if you wanted one and then work on your back for a long time and not in a haphazard way. He would shed light on his current musings while doing it and then he’d run off to whatever was next in his world.
Tony wasn’t afraid to be “weird” and embraced randomness. He tried different things and lived many lives in one honestly too short of a life. He explored and saw so much and had a list for adventure. I’ll try to find videos and photos to post tomorrow.
I’m going to miss him so much. He’s everywhere, so I will see reminders of him every day. I’ll try to channel some of his wisdom when I need help. You are so so so loved Tony.
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