In the last few days I’ve seen a growing number of tweets along the lines of “human beings don’t deserve the Earth”. I have some problems with this.
First, and it really shouldn’t need saying, it’s wrong (and has strong hints of colonialism) to believe that people everywhere have no regard for the place they live.
Secondly, doomist memes are hugely counterproductive if we want things to change. Yes, it’s undeniable that our climate and everything around us has been affected and degraded by pollution, extraction and waste but ...
... millions of people are pushing back hard to make a liveable & thriving future. Support those people, don’t deride their effort. The perhaps uncomfortable truth is that those who engage in doomism are the least likely to be affected by the climate and ecological crises.
Thirdly, a great deal of the destruction we hear about or witness is driven entirely by the greed of a few who are only too happy to blame all of us and ask us what we’re doing to be good climate citizens.
This ⬇️ is @Shell “net zero” climate plan. They blame consumers for recklessly using THEIR product while they continue to pump out ever more of it. Other big polluters do the same. Don’t let them win this narrative.
Finally, (I could go on), it will never be too late (or too soon) to take the biggest, boldest action everywhere to #FightClimateInjustice
The crises we face hit the Most Affected People & Areas hardest and first. Act with them, donate, lobby, protest, support, cheer. #MAPA
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