Why fight? Why fight to keep a braggadocious, sometimes bravado centric human in the office of President? I'm a country girl. Why care about a city slicker, sometimes bankrupt, billionaire business man that is always in someone's face? Doesn't make sense. Unless perhaps you love
this country. Then somehow it all begins to make sense. If you don't love the United States you just won't get it. It will be like sandpaper rubbed hard against your skin. You see, love of country looks past faults. It looks to goodness in all. It looks to others who share that..
same love. And that is what separates DJT from Biden or any other. He loves this country more that his money. More than his business. More than Life. Biden uses his countries public office for the opposite. It's all too obvious.If Joe Biden gets into office, we are about to slide
into what president Reagan called the "1000 years of darkness". Can't let that happen. It's kind of ironic that this fight comes down to the election process itself. Why? Because it's at the voting booth we exercise love of country and those that don't love it would take it away.
By the looks of some of the comments on here might have upset a few. I think they thought we would just roll over. You know you hit the right nerve when they have to attack back. Remember that.
Just remember the process we are about to see played out was put in place for a time like this. It was put there to keep our system honest. The left won't like it because dishonest people hate light. And reality.
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