I wasn't really sure what to say or do, but I wanted to post something in terms of people I'm thankful for. These are people I'd never have met had I not become a voice actor, so it's important to me that I recognize and share with the world who I genuinely like or care for.
Starting off with quite possibly one of my favourite people, @ENovotnyVO. From the moment we met I knew she was a different kind of person. She's honest and kind, genuine and intelligent, has enough common sense to keep her afloat, but most of all she's human.
She'll spam me day in and day out trying to make sure I'm okay, throw casting calls at me, worry that she pisses me off just by saying hi one too many times and she literally is the meme queen on Facebook.

She definitely is one of my closest friends already, always will be too.
Then we have @VocalistCarl and his salty sailor persona. He's not only an ambitious voice actor, but a highly creative person in general. While we don't have as many heart to hearts as Beth and I do, Carl is certainly no slouch in the friendship department.
We'll compare notes with voice acting submissions, we'll talk shop a lot when it comes to being creative, but we'll also have a good laugh whenever it is we do something together in general (talking, gaming, working, etc).

Even with opposite opinions, never do we judge.
@LukeCorreiaVA obviously is a good mention here. Dude was my first follower and he posts the realist of real talks if I ever did see them. With a good voice and a good heart, he just tries his best to impact the world with his mind and his experiences, while succeeding as a VA.
@The__Neth and I are two tadpole's chilling in neighboring ponds for damn sure. Neth's complex and unique in mind, always trying to figure out who they are while being as friendly to others as they wish the world would be to them.
@LianneJennifer and I used to talk loads, but I know the gal struggles here and there. We've been fast friends and from the beginning she made sure damn well to look out for me, while I tried my best to ensure she was safe, sound and free to go nuts creatively hah.
The dream team wifey and husbando meme squad that is @BrittNBlade and @ArcherVActor were some of the first two folk who gave me a big leg-up in the voice acting community as well. Both taught me very valuable lessons that, in my own way, I took to heart.
To become stronger, independent, to just let out my inner "Brian" with total disregard for how people reacted, to just laugh and engage with the community while being myself.

Good friends I don't speak to as much, great talents in voice and writing, a damn power couple.
@VoMylo Is just a right jack ass, but he too taught me a lot about voice acting and indirectly gave me room to breathe when it came to learning how to carry myself in the VA community. We bitch at each other back and forth, but it's always in good fun and warm spirits.
@NerdyBirdStudio's lead - Luke #2 hah - this guy gave me one of the coolest roles and then MORE roles in his indie game which I love and will always plug. First shot on IMDB and it's just a fun little game I was in. Dude is talented as a designer, but also a great guy too.
In fact he's been trying his best to make sure I get more roles with his work, while also expanding himself and ensuring that the folk he works with are all okay to the best of his ability. Damn fine indie dev there.
@RedAutumnOwl I can't say Renee and I are ultra close, but I consider her a friend at this rate. All because I won a giveaway did we really start talking, but honestly? She's a very kind and gentle person who focuses intently on details; not just in work, but in people too.
@VultureVocals is another person I'm not ultra close to, but she too is much like Renee. Gentle yet firm, strong, yet not afraid to show her vulnerable side. I'm more than sure we're similar in thought, but she's always inspirational with how she carries her voice and persona.
@laurieasmr ain't a voice actor, but she's a content creator and ASMR artist. I love a good ASMR video, but too often do you find the same bland uninspired stuff. Laurie ain't got that, she has a home-based traditional feel with that spark of fun creativity.
Now one cool bit about her though is that she's a damn super-mom. She carries herself with dignity, but loves having a good laugh and is always making sure to be a friend to the world when the world needs one. All the love there gal.
@JordantheCat11 is another person who is very worthy of mention when talking about someone looking out for others. A content creator, hell of a voice actor and artist in general, but she's a damn good person to boot. Always listening and always absorbing details she is.
Back on topic with ASMR artists, @moonglowasmr is another rowdy red out there. Girl is literally born from fire and goes no shits about it. She ain't harsh though, she's more like that comforting flame that you have when all the world goes cold and quiet.
@MidoriAnzai is another talented creator, but one I've only recently really spoken to a lot. She has passions and it's clear that she intends to help others as she grows herself too. Always bein as kind as she can to others while doing her best for herself, can't help adding her.
Now you want someone with strong opinions, a rough voice and a sturdy character? @JRobecheaux is your go-to guy for that. With a hell of a culture backing his personality and a depth to his mind that most probably don't explore, dude is a good guy to follow and to talk to.
Oh, you want another good guy? @MikeCiporkin - can't say his last name for absolute crap, but he's got a wonderful family and a fatherly sense about him. Vet to VA, creator of life and a very friendly guy, I can't suggest him enough as a friend or a human being.
@LTchaikov is also another really good dude. First audiobook I'm doing is through him, but more so, he always is understanding and checks up on my ass much as he can. No one has to do that, especially a creator or someone hiring out, but he does.
@MrRipperYT1 also does as well! Dude hired me on when I was still new to voice acting and has done nothing short of treat me damn well since the beginning. Helped him grow his YouTube to huge levels and we're just getting started on our journey as creators together.
@kelseymaher is also someone I cannot not mention. She is a fucking ray of sunshine and awesome, but I have no clue what makes her tick and I'm so terrified to have a one on one convo with her. She's fun, friendly, amazingly talented, plus her hair is blue, COME ON.
Now I could add a thousand more names with a thousand more things to say, hell I'm not even doing yall enough justice with just that small level of love.. but I'm trying.

To that end, I just want to rattle off some names I'm thankful for in general too.
So once again, sorry for the spam, but I want the world to know who I care for, who I want to know more, who I like and who I just think deserves the shout.
Like I said I could spam more and more and more, but I gotta hold off on that puppy. There's plenty of folk I'd love to know, some I do and some I don't, but there's so many more.

But I do appreciate yall and in my own way want to know each of you to the extent you wish.
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