so, deradicalization of Nazis and far right assholes can be done. It generally involves individual communication by people intimately familiar with the communities involved. It's slow and doesn't scale well.
It's worthwhile. It's just not a model for widespread political change, imo.
so what is a model for political change?
ground level anti fash rallies which prevent fash from building power or intimidating people or normalizing themselves.
enfranchising Black and marginalized voters so they can vote the right out, pass laws, enforce norms which make fash ideas/organizing less acceptable in public.
changing the way people act is the best way to change the way they think, not the other way around. force people to behave more ethically and in a less racist way and motivated reasoning will cause them to justify their actions and sign onto being less racist.
reasoned debate is not especially useful. fash don't care about reasoned debate, and are not reasonable.
people who encourage you to accept fash into your communities so you can change their minds are either naive, or deliberately trying to increase fash power. sometimes both.
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