hot take since it's trending, but crazy rich asians kind of... glorifies the materialism and capitalism in some asian cultures, and everyone is discriminated based on whether you have old money or not and whether you fit the standard of the old traditional culture
don't get me wrong, i'm happy to see the representation but the rep is more like about the 1% class of the society and it certainly doesn't speak for the whole asian community. tbh i think the third book is what i really like since it depicts the downfall of the materialism
and honestly? after the film is out, everyone irl around me sort of wanted to become like the crazy rich families & even glorified some identifiable crazy rich among us, it's just sickening to me because i feel like the message is totally missed by them
in the books, people are willing to betray their own blood for that hereditary money and that also happens in real life but after the movie came out everyone's like proud of doing it "just like what crazy rich asians do".. sickening.
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