Investment principles -

1⃣ Largest TAM - businesses with an ambition/plan for solving the greatest problems of our time over the long run - $ROKU & TV, $LMND & insurance

2⃣ Consumer-centric - B2C businesses w/ strong brand and mindshare - viral platform/network effect a ➕
3⃣ Unit economics - businesses that deliver an exponentially ⬆️ product at ⬇️ cost through innovation - $SQ & banking, $TSLA & autos

4⃣ First-principles approach - businesses that develop in-house solutions from the ground-up - usually vertically integrated w/ high initial 💰
5⃣ Founder/visionary led - so that interests are largely aligned and investors can free-ride the greatest capital allocators of our time - $SE & Forrest, $TCEHY & Pony Ma
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