One of the ways in which I’m weird is that I’m pretty ambivalent to nature and not sure why exactly

Mountains, oceans, trees

I LIKE these things, I think they’re pretty

But I’m totally okay just seeing them occasionally and knowing they exist

Limited desire to engage
I don’t feel particularly in awe of the majesty of mountains or oceans in their presence for example

When people talk about that I feel a little like a person without a sense of smell agreeing that peaches smell sweet

It’s like a blind spot for me. I don’t get it.
People seem to LOVE hiking and kayaking and climbing on things—just being amid trees. I tend to like or dislike these things based on the associated emotions and sensations.

Often it’s inconvenient and uncomfortable to do them.
And internally, I don’t feel very different hiking along a mountain trail with sweeping vistas vs walking down a new road I haven’t been down before. Novelty is the only variation that I appreciate there.

I don’t quite know how to conceptualize this—like am I missing something?
Same thing with swimming or being in the ocean. I don’t really feel any great urge to do it. I mostly weigh the sensory details. My emotional state of excitement is largely comparable In any setting.

People and connection excite me, so I like these things when other people do.
And I think maybe this is weird? I’m not sure how to articulate it exactly. I would never get as excited about going to a mountain as going ANYWHERE people I liked wanted to go to because it would make them happy.
My response to people who ask if I wanna travel and see stuff is usually “sure I guess” but I’m just as happy seeing pictures. Usually I more or less know what to expect when I go somewhere and it’s about as exciting as I thought. Primary utility of travel for me is new stories.
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