I think Joe Biden should have a very honest conversation with his people if they have a plan for governing through obstruction and sabotage that isn't "ask Mitch McConnell and Neil Gorsuch for permission and hope they say yes" and what that would look like.
Biden will come into office with a huge electoral mandate and a country that expects a repudiation of Trumpist policy.

That presents an opportunity for fast, drastic action to save the Republic that will grow dimmer every week he wastes trying to engage McConnell is good faith
If he gets to like March and it's clear he can't get many of his cabinet picks through, the Supreme Court is running amok, exec agencies either acting outside his control or neutered, his Presidency will be over and even his allies will start running for cover in a 2022 wipeout.
Yes the only thing that gives me hope is that 8 years in the Obama administration surely convinced Biden that these people will tear down the country in order to sabotage him unless he really is as far gone mentally as Trump said he was https://twitter.com/Newyorkist/status/1332525039284088833
This would help dramatically but not save you. Also what's your plan if you don't win these runoffs? https://twitter.com/newkingofmedia/status/1332526166939475973
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