@RudyGiuliani @LLinWood @MattBraynard (long thread) Election officials committed possible postal fraud when they distributed ballots via nonprofit postage. Election officials get reduced postage rates via NVRA of 1993 for voter role maintenance, not ballot distribution 1/
Reduced postage eligibility per National Voter Registration Act of 1993 has blackout period of 90 days or less prior to and primary of general Federal election. Ballots are mailed 60 days or less from 11/3. Ballot mail is not a function of the NVRA. See wording of the NVRA.. 2/
The Federal Election Commission’s 1998 report: “Implementing the National Voter Registration Act: A Report to State and Local Election Officials on Problems and Solutions Discovered 1995 -1996” determined NVRA did not give election officials free reign to use nonprofit mail,3/..
The difference in postage is staggering…High volume nonprofit mail achieves a mix of various sortation density rates from 8.8¢ to 18¢. Someone needs to review the actual postage statements...See how Kim Wyman, Secretary of State for Washington (a Republican) admits how low: 4/
Let's guesstimate the nonprofit postage rate claimed in the June 2020 Primary of Clark County, Nevada at 1,325,934 outbound pieces sent out at a possible average of 10.2¢ each based on density: 5/...
Now let’s estimate the same volume of ballots in Clark County Nevada mailed at discounted presorted First-Class Mail postage which would likely average 41¢ each. That's a $408,324.40 theft of postage in just one United States county IF the mailing is determined, ineligible. 6/..
You would wonder who is protecting USPS revenue? Unfortunately, the USPS is beholden to Congress. They don't want to bite the corrupt political hands that burden them. So the USPS officially allow election officials to self-certify eligibility for nonprofit postage rates. 7/ ...
Election officials self-certify ballot postage statements noted in document Customer Support Ruling PS-310 above and no one is checking per postal policy. That doesn’t give authorization to obtain postage illegally. These officials are subject to regulations when signing. 8/..
We can decode the USPS "Intelligent Mail Barcode" on photos posted to social media and translate the Service Type ID to determine the level of reduced nonprofit rates claimed by election officials. In this photo below, Clark County is claiming maximum discounts with STID 746. 9/
Local news also reported at the time Clark County reported 223,469 returned undeliverable ballots (a tell-tale sign the county is not running an effective voter removal program pursuant to the NVRA they use to claim discounted ballot postage) 10/ ...
...and the 223,469 returned are not including pieces as depicted above where the mail carrier just delivered them anyways and the recipient did not make an effort to refuse/return. But worse, part of the postal regs require clean lists to get nonprofit rates. Again the FEC: 11/
Again, the USPS requires certification that mailers submit clean records to reduce the expense of rerouting, returns, etc. The list hygiene regulation is called Move Update...to be eligible to submit mail at nonprofit marketing mail rates. See Pub 632 for election officials 12/
And the USPS Domestic Mail Manual is clear that no compliance = no marketing mail discount. In fact, mailers need to get USPS authorization to send lists like ballot mailings which cannot comply with published regulation...first class mail only 13/
To pile on more postal regulations seem to also be ignored by election officials improperly claiming nonprofit market mail rates. The FEC recognized that even the list maintenance mailings run afoul of the USPS restriction on personal correspondence at reduced rate postage. 14/
Ballots are not marketing mail. Ballots contain computerized personal identifiable information on the internal response envelope. Additionally, there are usually several barcodes including an identifiable ballot serial number(s) personalized to the individual recipient. 15/
Again, the USPS, published and distributes Publication 632: State and Local Election Mail -- User's Guide to election officials making them well aware of the rules and regulations they are subject to when they self-certify mass mailings at reduced rates: 16/
The officials choose nonprofit marketing mail (AKA Junk Mail) for a few reasons. 1. Obtaining postage rates as low as 8.8¢ per ballot extends the reach to push out as many blank ballots into the voting arena as possible. 2. First Class Mail is sacred. Mail carriers and... 17/
mail recipients are much less likely to dump, steal, redistribute, open, engage with, cast votes on First Class Mail (patently a Federal felony). 3. The election officials love a scapegoat for lateness...the USPS is the perfect patsy since marketing mail is routed slower. 18/
I'm an experienced mailer, not a lawyer. These are the rules I subscribe to. I've advised election mailers to only use first-class rates. It would be possible to segregate hygiene'd voter records and have two different classes of drops. But I don't believe that occurred 19/
Also, do election officials get around the NVRA 90 day prior restriction? Do they evade the preclusion of marketing mail on computer prepared mailings? Interested parties should FOIA the ballot mailing postage transactions and all USPS mail tracking data. 20/
Election officials that defrauded the USPS by claiming ineligible rates are no better than Bernie Madoff of Charles Ponzi. If these officials ran afoul of the postal rules then how can they be trusted with the administration of our votes. @AdamLaxalt #StopTheSteaI
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