Despite our Federal Gov It's heartening to see transition to 100%+ renewable energy gaining traction nationally, but its salient to recognise renewable energy represents the economically attractive low hanging fruit for climate action What are other key policy needs? (thread 1/7)
2. A managed phase out of fossil fuel industry with a just transition for dependent workers and communities It doesn’t matter where they’re burnt, we share the same atmosphere Our planned exit will result in less stranded assets, disrupted communities & emissions #ClimateAction
3. National programs for enhanced carbon sequestration via reforestation, regeneration & management of natural ecosystems & new primary production systems Our climate future depends not only in putting less carbon up but also pulling more down #ClimateAction
4. Adaptation programs for Australian society, industry, built environments and economy to the new climate reality. Climate change is already here & despite best efforts impacts are going to get more severe. We need to adapt and plan ASAP #ClimateAction
5. Invest in the development & transition to a zero-emissions society. Electricity generation is only a third of our emissions profile To address the other 2/3 we need to address transport, industry & built environment sources and the good news is we can and are! #ClimateAction
6. Prudently invest in R&D of scalable tech interventions to mitigate global heating While carbon capture & storage has got a bad wrap as an expensive lifeline for the FF industry, reality of IPCC modelling is that we will need it & more to have a climate future #ClimateAction
7. Nationally lead & coordinated climate response planning strategy across all jurisdictions We need to look at global picture, plan, coordinate, set targets, monitor, adaptatively manage & respond to deliver a path through the climate crisis. We can do this!! #ClimateAction
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