People that legitimately think that autistic people aren't discriminated against perplex me. If you actually think healthy, ablebodied neurotypical people have the same struggles that we do then you are sourly mistaken.

Autistic people in the UK have a 16% employment rate because of inaccessibility and discrimination. Despite their being laws about it, they will find other ways to deny you.

Before I got really physically ill, I applied for a job at a supermarket.
The software used to apply nor the questions were ND friendly.

Naturally I didn't pass the questions, so I emailed and asked how I could improve, stating I'd appreciate it if someone could explain bc I am ND and don't think in the same way.

They replied with an interview time.
Mental health care is nonexistent, and if you're lucky enough to actually get seen by someone, they have no idea what autism is or how to treat someone who is autistic.

I had a psychiatrist tell me "you can't be autistic because you have friends".
The same psychiatrist told me "I'm sorry, but I don't know how to help you" when I was sobbing on the floor holding my mums leg at age 16 because I had just attempted s**cide again.

Autistic people are commonly mentally ill because of the lack of support.
We are neglected in hospitals because healthcare workers don't understand autism.

I was on the floor collapsed because there was no seats and I was weak.

They told me that my swollen face and fever were tonsillitis (when I'd never had it before), no blood test, just antibiotics
2 days later I could barely breathe from how swollen my throat was. My mum took me to hospital.

I was told that my tachycardia and high fever was a panic attack.

"I know you're having a panic attack, your mum knows you're having a panic attack, and deep down you know it too"
My mum had to BEG them to move me to a seperate room because I was having a meltdown.

I wanted to leave, go home and just sleep.

A nurse came in, understood that I was having a meltdown and didn't speak to me like I was a toddler.
He checked my pulse, my temperature and said I had to go to the SAU immediately.

The doctor I saw there said I had sepsis.

He said that if I had gone home when I wanted to, I would have gone into cardiac arrest in the middle of the night and died.
I had to be put in an isolation suite because any added infection could have killed me

Due to how long it took for them to treat me, I have now developed POTS and suffer daily from palpitations, dizziness, weakness, pooling blood and heart rates up to 150. I'm lucky to be alive.
That's just ONE example. There are more than I care to count and this is not UNUSUAL for autistic people.

It was not long ago that an autistic man died because of hospital neglect, which has spurred a movement to get healthcare workers basic training about disabilities.
It should have NEVER HAPPENED.

There are countless cases of caregivers murdering autistic children and adults.

The lack of good representation, and the stigmatising "representation" that we DO get i.e rainman, the good doctor, atypical, music, doesn't help any of these things.
What WILL help is if people listened to and engaged with autistic people.

When wealthy, well known people make mistakes about autism, only AUTISTIC people can forgive that mistake.

It's not about you. Stop making it about you. Stop profiting off of us.
Stop using us as inspiration porn

Stop using us as feelgood stories

Stop silencing our voices

Stop using nonverbal autistics to discredit us when they have spoken out about it

Stop using autistics that don't use social media as a reason to not listen to those of us who do
Stop listening to non autistic parents when they talk about how abusive therapies like ABA ( #yesALLaba) improve their child's autism.

It causes an 80% increased risk of PTSD.
Stop using our disability as an identifier

Stop supporting "charities" that harm us like autism $peaks
Stop filming autistic meltdowns.

Stop posting toileting habits.

Stop violating autistic privacy.

Please just LISTEN to autistic people.

Listen to autistic adults who can help you help your child.

Provide accommodations.
Provide SUPPORT.
You can follow @dissentAutie.
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