1/ "He is rude and an obnoxious bully who does not respect anyone who disagrees with him. That’s why I’ve announced my support for Joe Biden."

This is Janine Geske, 1 of 3 Wisconsin judges picked by Gov. Tony Evers to help redraw the state's congressional districts.
2/ But don't worry, Gov. Evers says he chose both Dem and GOP judges. Ok, let's look at the other 2.

Paul Higginbotham. Hmm, heavy donor to Biden this year. so he's not the GOP judge either.
3/ Okay, must be the third judge Joseph Troy. Ouch, he donated to a PAC that supported Bernie Sanders and Keith Ellison.
4/ So there you go. The congressional districts in Wisconsin that have traditionally been drawn by elected representatives, have now been handed over to a trifecta of Democrat judges.

Maybe you're wondering how this happened?
5/ Here's your answer.

"In 2018, with the support of the NDRC, Democrat Tony Evers won the governor’s race with 49.6% of the vote."

That's the NDRC. A group led by Eric Holder and dedicated to shifting district maps from elected legislatures to Democrat courts and committees.
6/ And who's behind the NDRC and Holder?

Obama and the Soros' of course.

From elections to redistricting, the Democrats are quietly taking over the infrastructure of democracy.

People need to start waking up.
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