Something that I feel like we don't talk about nearly enough is how Tchaikovsky utterly SNAPPED on the Pas de deux from The Nutcracker.
It must be said: zaddy ATE that.
It's like...romantic. But like, the good part of romantic. Which is to say ominous and full of tension, lol.
Like Tchaikovsky's romanticism is like...just very threatening, lmfao. It's all the Maleficent parts of Sleeping Beauty. And in this way, it is very homosexual.
Listening to Tchaikovsky, I never get the sense that things will be okay. Which is how I prefer my Romanticism.
Has anyone ever understood menace the way Tchaikovsky understood menace? Maybe Zola.
If this Pas de deux, with all of its beautiful parts, is really charged with something dark on its edges. Like, there is something kind of ominous lurking in the music.
That's how I experience arousal and sentiment: fear and threat. LOL. Anyway. He was hot.
As usual, grateful that y'all also enjoy the homosexual things I enjoy.
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