Caught up on some the Battlepass stuff. Few things.

1. In terms of rewards, the new system actually seem fine for the most part compared to the old. The overall rewards seem similar-or-better, the main downsides being flexibility taken away from the player
in that it can push players into game modes they don't want to play. But it's also better for exclusively non-ranked type people. Understand this was different before they changed the reward track, but am looking at the updated version
2. So the Battlepass numbers themselves weren't nearly as horrific as I was expecting. But I think using it as a catalyst for talking about the game's cost is a good thing, which has been an ongoing issue
3. The expectation that was set wasn't really delivered upon. Which I understand is very frustrating. But that's also different than the system as a whole being a robbery compared to old, which judging by community sentiment was the impression I was under
4. You are not owed a video breakdown from anyone. Let me repeat: you are not owed a video. They are also not obligated to be fully informed on an issue at the exact moment you demand them to be. It's ridiculous. Stop it.
5. Content creators making vids on this stuff is a good thing. People in general discussing these things and thinking about how they are being affected is a good thing. However, the narrative surrounding these videos or criticisms are off-base
These videos are not 'brave' and these people are not 'heroes'. Labels I've seen thrown around a lot. Almost the entirety of any Hearthstone content creator's income comes from their audience, not Blizzard.
People also seem to greatly misunderstand how both how fragile relationships can be between them and Blizzard, and also how much they even financially depend on that relationship in the first place (again, just talking the narrative. I think critical analysis is a good thing)
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