Been an interesting week for the team at PrimerDesign, and they've had a lot of feedback no doubt from VersaLab's first customers.

And also from investors.

VersaLab is an incredible launch, but why was the reaction so mixed on the investor side?

Well the timing is unfortunate. Novacyt, as incredible as they look now, a proper emerging R&D powerhouse in diagnostics - they're still listed on AIM

Even Mid Caps on main market get some bad swings, but AIM is something else. Hedge funds and even high net buyers can shake it.
And that means fear. Investors on AIM are more fearful than those on the main market, and even main market guys are jittery.

With a lot of investors not really understanding what they're looking at with Novacyt, and a context never before experienced - pandemic/testing/vaccines
There's good reason to be fearful.

Those that weren't fearful, well they understood the nuance of the situation, and have done for months. Testing and vaccines and therapeutics will be developed and used for years.


No-one wants to talk about covid-19 being around killing people for years. Politicians and by extension companies involved with governments will play the game.

"Covid is under control."

"All will be well."

"Nearly there."
We are not in control of anything. We're using draconian measures globally to keep R-rates down because we had no real investment in diagnostics.

Therapeutics are a massive money spinner. Big Pharma pays their taxes.
Now we pay the price. Well the vulnerable do.

The small business owners too - yes, the ones making up conspiracies about a fake pandemic and masks being a form of 'oppression'.

They're not completely crazy, they're just afraid and misled by bad actors.
While the diagnostics network is built globally, a game of cat and mouse with the virus will continue, and the vaccine will help suppress it further next year.

It's likely the virus will continue to mutate, small chance some will be problematic.
But vaccines can be altered too, just as with the flu.

Covid-19 is more deadly than the flu, and that's why we test for it - a lot. And that's why testing will be around for years for this, to save lives alongside the vaccines...
And also to understand how a novel vaccine works. It's a rare opportunity and a lot of researchers are getting their chance now to screen the world's first mRNA vaccines in the wild with governments who are building the testing network.
Covid is important to Novacyt. Their response and dedication to doing it right, putting the NHS first, is what has earned them the capital investment and revenue now to go on to become a new player in diagnostics.
And where the boldest, most innovative will win their place at the top. And we've just had a trial by fire with covid 19 to find out who the best are in the business.

Primerdesign are on the podium. Incredible considering the sheer size of their rivals like Abbott.
But while FinTwit investors are well aware of all this, many simply bought in on a rally and need a little guidance. That's why we spam tweets and share info and make articles on the website. It's helping new investors who're not privy to private conservations.
It helps all of us, even the most experienced.

But back to PrimerDesign's launch of VersaLab - why was the reaction mixed?

Primerdesign didn't launch new tech.
The offered customers an incredible shortcut to rapidly setup a diagnostics service. NHS quality. Powered by the same kit.

Think about that.

A small business could run the same high-end service as the best in the field, with just a phone call.
And investors - we were offered something greater than a new product release RNS.

We were offered what we've been asking for all this time.

Another piece of The Mid Cap Roadmap.

How does Novacyt take their WHO approved, NHS approved, UK gov approved brand to the wider market?
They have a number of routes, and VersaLab is the latest and one of the smartest.

VersaLab is a key part of the long term plan, and will enable Novacyt to build networks of diagnostics testing, centrally and on-site.

For anything you wish.
Covid today, sure.

That's the way in.

Tomorrow? 550+ tests and who knows what happens with the new M&A in 2021. Transplant labs? What about oncology screening?
What about new devices in VersaLabs, not just new tests?

What about a whole range of diagnostics devices and tests all over the UK, USA and EU for anything you want, fully trained staff ready to go.

Imagine what that looks like.
PrimerDesign's name all over the West, from small clinics to the largest centralised labs. Hospitals, public and private, and mobile labs and food processing factories, all branded up.

OEM's have been great, but now is the time to be Bold.
And that's what Novacyt offered investors this week.

A bold vision. A bold brand.

A Mid Cap company that for now, we still have the ability to interact with.

Enjoy the honeymoon period while they still have time for us...
even when the share price is giving you a kicking.

Because sentiment is fickle, it goes - but it also returns.

You know what matters most, and why people who understand Novacyt don't run for the hills when volatility comes?
You know what it is.

What is the Ace that keeps us all here?


It trumps all else. And Mullis will reveal his hand when ready. Then we can relax and let the company do its thing without our full-time need to reassure the retail market.
If @PrimerdesignLtd tweeted the same news on a good week - reaction would have been much more positive.

Many of us were too frustrated to see the gift we've been given.

Roll on December.

And well done Novacyt, VersaLab is the future đź‘‘

We're starting to see.
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