Story time, kids. As always, those who weren't there have ... curious notions ... as to what happened.
Back in 2012 Barrett Brown didn't listen and I had never met @0x686967, but both of them were in the federal corrections system in Texas.
One of my co-defendants in the suit was a guy named Thomas Retzlaff. First time I heard his name was the weekend before the suit was filed.
The lawyer on the case was John S. Morgan, a performance art genius. I admire his commitment to method acting.
There is an endless crapflood of self-own from this one. Naked, locked in the bathroom, crying, threatening self-harm with a knife when the police came to get him.
You want some deep history on Drunk John, The Fat Man In The Red Shirt, and their various misadventures, Sam The Eagle Political Review is the place to be. 
Now my lawyer on the frivolous lawsuit is Jeff Dorrell. He's a former president of the National Login Cabin Republicans, and his first job out of law school was with Congressman Charlie Wilson.
Yes, that Charlie Wilson, the "get the Stingers to the mujahideen" guy.
#protip there are plenty of Republicans who remember that the Soviet Union as public enemy #1.

Thank you, all of you.

And that's the most I'll say about that.
Back to Retzlaff. Brown and Ochoa are locked up in the Texas federal system, Brown has been moved due to conflict with a member of the Aryan Brotherhood. Then I get named as a codefendant in a suit with a guy who claims The Brand.
These guys. 0.1% of the federal prison population and they commit 20% of the murders. So I assume Brown and Ochoa are both at risk, and I just keep my mouth shut.
This is a distressing situation for me, so I seek emotional comfort from my near limitless supply of cousins. Some of them are members of this curiously named softball team - the Sons of Silence M.C.
And Tom is not a member. Not even an unpatched affiliate. He knows the culture because he's done time in Texas, but he had no ability to reach Brown or Ochoa.

Never mentioned this in public before, but a few people were around when it happened.
Time goes on, Ochoa gets out, then Brown. There's no point is airing this story, and Retzlaff is the thing under the bed as far as McGibney is concerned. I admire Tom's madcap trolling of all parties involved.
As the years go by, I develop the preference that ViaView Files gets bored and goes away. I meet, thanks to this conflict, and later become quite close to Kirsten Olsen. This was the start of training in 2018. Her cancer took a turn for the worse and she died a month later :-(
I periodically purge any inactive contacts. This one ... it stays. :-(
Kirsten was a target for McGibney's derpy online extortion efforts, but she had wised up a bit by the time we met. There was a history of conflict with Marcie Wogan, who died intestate with an estate of about $1.5m.
Kirsten was a lawyer, I'm clearly nosy af, and that's a goodly amount of money. Whilst McGibney and Retzlaff were waving their dicks around online, K and I were quietly working on a demand letter.
Opposing counsel Googled me, and the family developed a fervent desire to avoid entanglement with Marcie's curious online career. There's no court paperwork, just a nice neat resolution to the problem.
Post resolution, we talked about two things - maybe taking a Caribbean cruise, and what to do about ViaView Files.

So there's a paper trail of me, with a notional sum available, pursuing a takedown of her material from the VVF site, or buying it outright.
McGibney & Co. have been working really hard to sell the notion that I am involved in operating the VVF blog.

But there's a paper trail of me trying to purchase and shut it down, there's the purchase price of a new Hellcat on the table, and it didn't progress.
If you're squinting hard and trying to work out the dynamics in your head, just imagine what a top notch lawyer would do with this.

Their effort were DOA. But right here, right now, is the first time I turned over the hole card.
So there you have it. McGibney is out there, doing his threat hoax bullshit, pointing a finger at me, and it's going nowhere.

He's also snitching on #ProudBoys, and that's not just a theory, check out this affidavit from an FBI agent.
You will notice I am MUCH less concerned about McGibney's well being than I was with a couple of fellow travelers. If his snitching pays well enough to cover the judgment against him that will be finalized on January 14th, cool.
This story needs a coda.

@parler_app have been operating with their pants down around their ankles. Source code, log files, and BACKUPS just sitting out there in the open on Amazon. Whoops.
That thing is witches brew of disloyal right wing extremists. Normally something like that would turn up in the FBI/DHS Joint Terrorism Task Force system. Don't care much for either agency, but there's one career DHS staffer that has safe passage.
We had a talk earlier, and SITREP is thus:

FBI are utterly swamped with cases involving militia loonies.

DHS is not to be trusted and I quote until "that puppyfucker Chad Wolf" is removed.

re: Chris Wray, the view is "hardcore public servant in a bad spot".
Trump would like to fire him for all sorts of reasons. The mistreatment of Comey and the Russian counter-intel experts has left a very bad taste in many mouths. We're counting down to 1/21, and the bureau is right there with us this time.
My crate of Stingers is empty now, just one that's still in route. It's locked on, no worries they'll shake it, but what I thought would take the entire lame duck period got done in about ten days. @Kirtaner bears most of the blame for that.
So for the next eight weeks we get to rest, relax, play with new toys that Santa got to us early.

I see a lot of new people eyeing this stuff, they want to try their hands at it, but not sure where to push. Maybe @Kirtaner and @LibbyInPhilly have some fun planned ...
If you're one of those hardcore public servants with a badge and the aforementioned bad taste in your mouth, that red card expires on January 21st. Rest up while you can :-)
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