Romanticizing people right away leaves little to no room for them to actually show you who they are because you’ve already decided.

Let people meet your standards too. If you don’t have any ask yourself why. Why are you so easily impressed? Look for a real show not an empty theatre.
You’ve probably already dealt with a lot of energies you don’t prefer. With that in mind, now you know what you DO prefer. Make those your standards.
Self-worth will help us be a little more selective. You understand what it’ll cost to have your attention, and you don’t allow yourself to be up for grabs for anyone that shows you the slightest bit of attention.
We keep ourselves from romanticizing when we realize to do that means to strip people from choice. At that point you’ve decided on a story they don’t even know they’re playing along to nor probably want to.
We keep ourselves from romanticizing when we switch perspectives and try to imagine how it would feel if someone were to do that to us. You’d feel like a puppet on strings. “Dance for me monkey... now tell me you love me.”
We keep ourselves from romanticizing when you realize these people are whole ass individuals, someone’s child; with aspirations and hobbies and the ability to say no.
We keep ourselves from romanticizing when we see we’d rather get to know the subject a little more to see if they’re even fit to be in your life. Next to all that self-worth and sovereignty.
We need connection. We need affection. But we also need freedom and the right to come undone in front of the people we willingly choose. So let people choose you in their own time. In the meantime, don’t wait, don’t fixate, just show love and go back to your post.
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