The corporate media & the military industrial complex work together to keep the US engaged in barbaric wars that destroy countries most Americans couldn't find on a map.
When Trump signaled he wanted to withdraw troops from Afghanistan, the CIA & State Dept sold the media a bogus story about Russia paying bounties to Taliban forces for killing US soldiers. Despite being proven false, it achieved the goals.
Trump recently told us he wants to remove troops from Somalia. A week later the New York Times reported that a CIA Officer was killed fighting a Somalian al-Qaeda affiliate & the corporate media can't stop pearl-clutching over how disastrous it would be to bring any troops home.
The corporate media don't care about the people living in Somalia, Afghanistan, or Iraq. They're doing the bidding of the war hawks in the ruling class. The US military isn't in these countries to help people. They're there to control them, their land, & their labor.
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