1/ Need to get this off my chest before people start showing their asses. The incredible “Silly Games” sing along is iconic, but its impact is made whole by the last dance, a full blown frenzy of righteous fury, the partygoers in a deep trance
2/ The movie is unabashedly a loe story, but the downplaying of the danger present is weird to me; they are in a house party specifically because of institutional racism not allowing Black people to party in clubs and they have to keep a low profile to avoid violence from whites
3/ I bring this up simply because I dont want the revolutionary element of LOVERS ROCK to be lost on viewers, its more than simply a "feel good movie" (though to be clear it feels so damn good)
I know they mean well but when I see non-black film twitter people fawning over the Silly Games scene in LOVERS ROCK all I can think of is this
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