Christmas morning recipe
1. open graphic novel
2. sit and read it
3. forget about other presents

This weekend, don't forget to buy tons o' graphic novels for the young readers on your list from your local bookstores like @KingsEnglish! Please reply with your reccs!
For teens, @marikotamaki is one of my favorite writers. HARLEY QUINN: BREAKING GLASS with Steve Pugh, THIS ONE SUMMER with Jillian Tamaki, LAURA DEAN KEEPS BREAKING UP WITH ME with Rosemary Valero-O'Connell
My creepy kids adore Emily Carroll's THROUGH THE WOODS. Also check out her adaptation of Laurie Halse Anderson's SPEAK.
DC has been killing it with graphic novels for young readers. Among our favorites are RAVEN and BEAST BOY by @kamigarcia and @_gabrielpicolo.
My 10yo loved DEAR JUSTICE LEAGUE by Michael Northrop and Gustavo Duarte and is eagerly awaiting the sequel.
If you don't already know all of @goraina's graphic novels for 8 and up, they're a given. GUTS is the most recent and is so wonderful.
Really loving Jen Wang's graphic novels. STARGAZING for 8 and up. THE PRINCE AND THE DRESSMAKER I think is for teens but my 10yos read it.
TWINS!!! Do not miss TWINS by @varianjohnson and Shannon Wright! My own 10yo twins were so excited to read this one.
For absolute superhero fun, I can't recommend enough any MS MARVEL or SQUIRREL GIRL trades. Your older kids and teens will thank you.
All of @JamiesonV's graphic novels are great for 8+. With her latest WHEN STARS ARE SCATTERED, she teams up with Omar Mohamad to tell his true life story growing up in a refugee camp.
We're all huge fans of everything @ryanqnorth does here in the Hale house. His adaptation of Vonnegut's SLAUGHTEREHOUSE FIVE blew our frickin minds. Masterfully illustrated by Albert Monteys.
We're so lucky we get to work with illustrator extraordinaire @victoriaying on our Wonder Woman book. Definitely check out her solo middle grade graphic novel CITY OF SECRETS!
NATHAN HALE'S HAZARDOUS TALES is a series of non-fiction graphic novels about US history that is genuinely hilarious, engaging, and true! @MrNathanHale is a genius. Get his LAFAYETTE for your Hamilton fans!
You can follow @haleshannon.
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