Why the Kensington High St cycle lane matters - a thread: I am asthmatic and vulnerable to Covid-19, so have been avoiding public transport, using my bike to travel from SW London to hospital appointments in Central London. https://twitter.com/citycyclists/status/1332380002550165506
I cycle regularly these days as the safest way for me to get around without risking catching Covid - however sitting behind car exhausts on Kensington High St when cyclists were right in the traffic has historically triggered my wheezing.
Imagine my utter joy when I discovered the new cycle lane on a trip to UCL Hospital last month. It’s incredible to have this safe means of navigating this busy road and to be able to keep peddling without getting stuck behind car exhausts, breathing in fumes that hurt my lungs.
I am devastated @RBKC is bowing to pressure from people wedded to their cars in a way that is neither healthy nor sustainable. This bike lane has made me accessing vital health appointments so much easier and safer.
Do people like me, who have benefited from this, not matter at all? Why should your right to drive your metal box trump mine to access my health appointments safely?
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