No one is more unhappy at the prospect of a woman’s happiness than another woman, especially if she is prettier.
Women rely on their image as kind and benevolent creatures in order to get by in the world with minimal confrontation they are frankly unequipped to manage the consequences of. So any exposure of homosocial animosity is seen as a personal attack.
Women are inferior to men in their ability to look at themselves honestly. Because their entire worth is something that inherently *is* and cannot be built or earned. So they cannot see their flaws as signals for improvement, but rather as fundamental ineluctable defects.
All self help geared toward women is based on the mantra “you are wonderful as you are”. All self help geared toward men is based on the mantra “you are shit, pull yourself together”. Attempting male oriented self help rhetoric on women is bound to fail and vice versa.
Women compete with eachother for men on criteria they cannot control (beauty and youth). So they can do nothing but hate women who are better

Men compete with eachother for women on criteria they can control (wealth, accomplishment, strength) so brotherhood is possible & common
There is no such thing as sorority. A woman’s allegiance is foremost to her man and to her children. Women can be good and healthy friends, of course, but there is no equivalent to fraternity among women.

And that’s okay.

Women are not inferior men. They’re just different
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